The guys decided to go golfing... at one of the hardest course around, literally on the side of Ragged Mountain. After about 7 hrs losing 30+ balls, drinking warm PBR, almost flipping their golf carts (and generally having an excellent time) they called it quits at the 16th hole. Who won? Who cares, they said. Time for some BBQ.
Of course, we girls could not let the guys have a whole day of fun alone without plotting something devious for their return, so we set up the First Annual Dad-Child Olympics... which involved lots of fun events designed to make the kids laugh and the Dads look like complete and utter fools while we took lots of photos. Events like "Get Dad Ready for Work" which entailed having each kid apply shaving cream to their dad's face, "shave" it with a spoon, brush their Dad's teeth with barbie bubblegum toothpaste, and feed them sloshy jello and whipped cream for "breakfast". The kids loved it. Then it was on to the greased watermelon race, obstacle course dressed as fairies, maids, and cowgirls, water balloon toss, and a final event entitled "Death by Egg" in which the dads (and kids, though this was not the original intent) tossed raw eggs between each other at increasing distances and at increasingly rapid paces.
We did actually prepare a very nice BBQ dinner for them, but I think the general consensus among the Dads was... "don't ever let them do something "nice" for us again!" LOL!
It seems that you have had amazing party outside. Thanks for sharing these lovely photos.
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I must admit that I was a bit confused when Andy turned up on your Facebook page with fairy wings on; it's not his typical attire. It's all clear to me now. What a great idea!! Looks like you all had a blast!
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