Things went much smoother this week than last... Haley is almost fully recovered now from her mystery bug and that makes life so much easier for everyone! Besides one small hiccough where Haley almost got booted from her daycare for an indeterminate period of time based on the theory that she might have had an intestinal parasite that might continue to be spread (truth is we don't know, and her doctors surmise it was probably viral)... this week was easy-peasy. So we celebrated at the weekend by climbing Mt. Kearsarge (first time for Haley and the dog) on a hazy but beautiful Saturday, and then headed over to the Kennedy's to surprise Kyle for his 4oth birthday bash. The theme was 1971, which was pretty amusing considering most people actually dressed themselves out of what they found in their own closets. We did our best with some closet items and some thrift store finds and had a great time eating Sonya's yummy fondue and listening to 70s tunes while the kids ran around wild.

Kimball finds a patch of shade on the summit

Oh yeah...

Happy Birthday Kyle!
On Sunday we had Aiden's birthday party at Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich, VT. We decided to have it there because he (and every other kid we know) loves it at the Montshire, and rain or shine or snow (I'm sure its happened in NH in August before), it could not be easier. The kids run around checking out all the hands-on exhibits, we convene for cake, more running around, and then we're done! No mess to clean up at home, no activity planning beforehand. Love it! HaPa and Grandma made it down for the party and Aiden and his friends had a wonderful time. Even though it was "easy" I somehow only managed to take two photographs of the whole afternoon!? I'm not sure what happened there... can't even blame it on a low battery!

Hippie Haley

Aiden and friend Sam at Montshire

Haley at Montshire
1 comment:
So, Farah Fawcett (Sonya) was at the party? I did not recognize Andy at first glance. Haley looks pretty steady on her feet. Soon she'll be walking.
Grandma Chris
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