Aiden and Grandma Chris at Alley Pond Park
Our holiday trip to Long Island was as frenetic as ever this year. We do LOTS of driving, on crazy roads with crazy NY drivers, as we have LOTS of family and friends to visit in a very short time. Long Island to New Jersey to Long Island to Queens to Long Island to Queens back to Long Island... and so on. It's a whirlwind, but very worth it. We spent Thanksgiving Day at Uncle Mike and Aunt Mary's house in New Jersey, where there were 26 of us sharing the Thanksgiving table. Aiden and Haley are the youngest by far, so they get lots of special attention (mostly of the tickling variety) and get to play with the Rapps' old legos, transformers and playmobile sets. Of course, they are in heaven. Aiden also got some tutoring in a Wii version of the Legend of Zelda from his cousin Douglas, and some geography lessons from cousin Jeanne. The roast turkey, thanksgiving sides, and numerous pies were all incredibly delicious, as was the lithuanian kielbasi. Haley sat on my lap at dinner and the kielbasi was all she would eat. Later that evening she burped in my face and I don't think I've ever smelled that telltale garlicky meat stink from anyone that small before. It was a bit unnerving!
"Spin & Point" to where you want to go!
We also spent some great time with Grandpa Dada, including a gorgeous walk on the Fire Island lighthouse beach in nearly 70 degree weather. Not to shabby for a few days before December. Kimball liked chasing the surf, and Haley liked plopping her butt on the sand to just sit and watch the mesmerizing crash of waves rolling in and out. When Aiden gets to a beach he's automatically in treasure hunting mode; he loves to see what kinds of flotsam and jetsam he can discover in the wrack lines and receding waves. His haul this day included three skate egg cases, a cool sputnik-like seed pod, and a handful of little clamshells as tiny as a pinky nail.

Fire Island lighthouse beach

DimbleDog at the beach

...notice Haley watching the waves

Learning something important
We had a lovely brunch with the Siegers & Hamms on Saturday, visited with Grandma Guppy in Queens and Grandma Rising in Brightwaters, spent lots of time with Dan & Paulette, and I even got to zip into Queens to meet Lisa, Whitney, Aly, Will and Ed at a delicious "hole in the wall" korean BBQ place one night. Pretty much as full as four days can be. We're very thankful.

Little Peter on his swingset

Carrie and Elizabeth

Aiden's new "Amityville Warriors" hat- thanks Grandpa Dada!
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