Phoebe and Haley eye each other (suspiciously?) at lunch
Our newest nephew/cousin, Fisher, will make his arrival very soon - less than a week now - so we took some time last weekend to get down to Gloucester to visit Micah, Becky and Pheebs before "all he@# breaks loose" (as Andy likes to refer to that blissful time immediately after a child is born). We had a crib mattress and a box of infant boy clothes from Melanie to deliver, and we secretly wanted to sneak in a little winter coast birding before the year comes to a close.
Ho ho ho
Phrozen Pheebs
Aiden with the clam fork
Razor Clam Shell
Not much birding was accomplished, aside from a small flock of ruddy ducks that were new for the year, but we had chilly walks on two of Gloucester's finest beaches- Good Harbor and Wingershaek- and a great pizza & subs lunch with Micah, Becky and Phoebe. Micah wanted to show Aiden how to dig for steamers in the tidal flats at Wingershaek, but it was so frigid that we were only able to bare fingers long enough for a few razor clams. Poor Haley and Pheebs were essentially sandblasted ice cubes by the time we made it back to Magnolia Ave. We'll visit again in a few days when Phoebe is a big sister!
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