As Memorial Day Weekend came around, we were initially excited to have "no plans" for once. But "no plans" really equals "hit the household/yard chore list"... BIG TIME. We power washed the deck and vinyl siding, power washed the birds' cages, weeded the garden, bought vegetables/seeds and planted the garden, mowed the lawn, weedwhacked everything that was not mowable, tried to kill all the weeds on the stone pathway out front, went grocery shopping, vacuumed and cleaned the whole house, cleaned the fish tanks, went to the dump, dropped off a bunch of kid toy donations, and did a mountain of laundry. With all that and making sure the kids didn't wander off or stab each other with sticks, the chore list ended up taking all three days. We needed to get it done, but it wasn't much of a relaxing weekend.
Haley at the gazebo after finishing her ice cream |
Racing on the green |
We did manage to do a few fun things- an impromptu BBQ (complete with sparklers to usher in summer) at the Anderson's house, a quick trip to Elkins Beach, and a walk across the green for ice cream at Arctic Dreams. That was about it on the leisure list - oh, and Andy ran the Black Fly Blitz 5K on Monday morning too, but I'm not sure that counts as leisure.
Aiden and Ben in Sunapee Harbor |
Little Doo |
Work is still absolutely crazily busy, and most days I feel like my brain is on overload from the minute I wake up to whatever time I finally quit working for the day after the kids have been fed, bathed and put to bed. I'm pretty sure it's not a healthy scenario, and I hope things mellow out soon. In the meantime we will try to savor the few quiet/fun moments we do have during these busy weeks, and try to stay sane!
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