Saturday afternoon found us fishing in some spitting rain on the dock. Both Haley and Phoebe had success reeling in perch after perch after perch on the Spongebob Squarepants rod, while Aiden practiced his casting off the deep end. When he was done practicing, Aiden turned to worm fishing too, and promptly hooked a sunfish which was promptly chomped by a northern pike. A furious fight ensued, ending with Aiden catching only the sunfish with a ring of tooth holes in its side. We spotted the pike about 5 minutes later lurking near the dock though, and with one cast Micah had it on a lure and landed it for Aiden to admire. We declared it a joint effort in the end.
In celebration of HaPa's and my birthdays, we had raw Glostah oysters before dinner (at least a dozen were consumed by Aiden and the second dozen split between the rest of the oyster suckers present) and a nice baked manicotti dinner with a crazy ice cream/sorbet layer cake for dessert. Sunday morning it was off to Shelburne Orchards for a 2 mile running race through the orchard rows. Micah was actually the fastest guy to finish the race at only 14 minutes, but due to a technicality (he signed up for the 2 mile "walk" on accident) he didn't officially win. He did slay the walking field, though! Aiden, Andy and I ran together on this one and when we finished everyone had hot cider and cider donuts and picked a few bags of apples. By this time the sun had come back out for good, but it was time to head home to do chores and get ready for a new school day on Monday.