Grandma Chris came to save us from having to take a second week off work while the kids are still out of school. Actually, Aiden had a sports camp to go to, but there are no camp options for kids as young as Haley, so we really needed the help. Haley and Grandma Chris spent all day every day together, Haley chatting incessantly about princesses and ponies and whatever else was going on in her head, and Grandma Chris just listening and chuckling most of the time. Haley is pretty entertaining to shadow for a day. Or five.
Haley in her Princess Sofia dress |
There were tea parties EVERY day, of course, and lots of arts and craft activities. On New Years Eve, we went over to the Anderson's house for dinner and then came home well before midnight. The only two party animals to watch the ball drop at midnight were Grandma Chris and Aiden! For the first day of 2014, which was absolutely frigid, we decided to go see Frozen at Smitty's Cinema in Tilton. Smitty's is kind of like a combo restaurant/movie theater where you sit in big oversized chairs and order pub food while watching your movie. We had never been there before, but I'd always wanted to try it. Aiden (predictably) thought it was the bomb (what? hot wings AND a movie? YEAH!) and Haley made it all the way through her first movie with only a minimum of hands over the ears and eyes anxiety during scary parts. She did great, but I'm afraid she now has a warped sense of the "amenities" provided at movie theaters!
At Smittys |
Aiden had a good time at his camp, but he missed his new Chromebook (present from Santa) terribly during camp hours, so when he got home each day he was fairly shaking to check out new games and websites. Obviously this level of screen-time will not last beyond the vacation week, so he'll have to go through a sort of withdrawl when he cuts back on watching YouTube offshore fishing videos and creating digital cartoons on ToonDo. Should be interesting. Vacation has just been extended by another day for him (icing this morning) so he's getting his fix on today too.

On Saturday we had our annual "New Years Eve" party... only this year not on New Years. We also finally got outside towards the end of the week, when the weather at last warmed up above the single digits. Skiing at Ragged Mountain with friends was a lot of fun, at least for Aiden and I. Haley had a bit of a melt down on the slopes but we're hoping to turn that around as the ski season progresses. Hopefully skiing with some of her friends will help motivate her to try it again, harness-free this year!
Post skiing crash |
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