Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fall Birthday Visit

Since I had to work on my birthday (Forest Society's annual meeting) and Andy was at a conference in Pittsburg, PA, Mom and Dad (Gee-ma and Ah-Pa) came down to watch Aiden and go out for a birthday lunch for my and Dad's bday. As you can see from the photo above, Aiden had lots of fun enjoying other people's birthdays! Mmm... strawberry ice cream. Aiden is sort of a maddening ice cream eater- he takes about one good lick from the top every minute and meanwhile talks excitedly about his wonderful ice cream with exclamations of "mmm... delicious!" Then he bites the bottom of the cone, so it starts to drip out onto his pants. It's hard to watch if you are the type who likes to prevent messes before they happen.

I put Gee-ma and Ah-pa to work digging in perennials in front of our house, and we went to Spring Ledge Farm and another local plant sale to buy even more plants. Aiden got his own pumpkin, which he is currently keeping in his room (clearly not sustainable over the long term). Then we made an upside-down gooseberry cake (I didn't take a picture because it didn't come out exactly as we had planned- still tasty though) and Micah and Becky drove up from Gloucester for our b-day lunch on Sunday. When Andy got home Sunday night, he found his little boy all bathed and ready for bed, but look what Gee-mah did to his hair!


80 miles from Key West said...

We should have put freckles on his face to be a real Alfalfa. Might not be a bad Halloween costume!

Anonymous said...

Based on the hairdo Aiden got from Sally I wouldn't let her near your hair. Have her practice on Timber.