Sunday, October 5, 2008

Random Photos of the Past Week

The leaves are just about peak in NH right now- seems a bit early...

A grump in a box

Bekah & Nate Stevens came for a quick overnight visit since they had a wedding to attend in NH. We gave them a quick tour of the house and New London and played Wii bowling, golf, baseball and boxing until we (especially the guys) were exhausted and sweaty. Aiden missed Ollie this time but we're hoping to catch up again soon.

The New England Asters are in full bloom now.

This weekend was gorgeous so we went to the Seacoast, which Aiden loves. We were birding (can you tell?) at Ordione Point State Park.

The wind up...
The release!



Anonymous said...

He looks like a righty in the throwing picture. What happened. I thought he was your kid and a lefty?

modo said...

It really depends on the day or what hand he wants to throw with. You should see him dribble a soccer ball, he is actually pretty good.