Sunday, November 23, 2008

Those Crazy Downer Girls!

Last weekend Aiden and I went down to North Andover, MA to visit Nicole, Becky and Whitney (who was in Boston for a green building conference). We got a little time to sit and catch up on each other's lives over glasses of wine and thai food, but mostly we watched the kids run around like maniacs. Nicole has 3 girls (Abbie is six, Michaela 5 and Alivia is 2 - i think i have those right) and Aiden was wide-eyed watching them play hide-and-seek, gymnastics 'trick night' and other crazy games. Actually he got to work on his sharing quite a bit, since he is not used to having to give up toys very often. I don't think you can have a "mine, mine, mine" stage if you live at the Downers! Toys are just everyone's. So it was educational for him I think.


Nicole's youngest, Liv, was so cute. She is only 3 months older than Aiden, but she followed him around wiping snot from his nose, brushing his hair, and handing him toys and his juice box like a little mom! When he would cry she said, "ooh, don't cry Aiden!" and hug him. She gave him a big smootch too, on the lips!! It was a kodak moment but no one had their camera ready.
Liv helping Aiden get a toy out of the toybox

Becky leading the kids in a chorus of jazz-style xmas tunes, while Nic, Whit and I groaned in mock horror.

Aiden also got an education in girls toys! As in, HEY, girls toys are cool too! Like beads, and horse drawn chariots, and pink barbie cars!

Liv and Aiden playing

The crazy Downer girls put on a crazy show of acrobatics on the couch, which was actually a prelude to "trick night" (judged by Becky) in their room. Chris has rigged hanging stretchy hammocks and monkey bars from their ceiling so they can do flips and twists in the air, landing on a cushy mat of pillows on the floor. It's impressive to see them at work!

End of show.


Anonymous said...

NO, NO, NO........ I will not allow this.......boys play with ACTION FIGURES, and BALLS, and DIRT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO DOLLS, BEADS, or other girly stuff. He has enough going against him living in New Hampshire...... let's keep the influences to a minimum..... ANDY....where the heck are you and how could you let this happen. We need to talk about proper parenting.....GEEZ!

Carrie said...

Oh, its so harmless! And isn't he CUTE with the beads on?!

Anonymous said...

ANDY WHAT IS GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!