Sunday, December 21, 2008

Forecast: White Christmas

Well it certainly looks like winter around here lately. We got about 15" yesterday and as I'm writing this the snow is swirling outside our windows and we're getting another big dump. As long as it stops by Tuesday so we can make it down to Long Island for Christmas, we'll be happy. Aiden helped us shovel the driveway yesterday morning and he's definitely enjoying the snow a lot more this year. Especially he is enjoying eating it... we keep telling him it's "yucky" but he can't resist. What kid doesn't eat snow once in awhile, I guess. Hopefully it won't do any irreperable damage.

Catching snowflakes... this photo convinced me that Aiden's winter jacket was too small! As of yesterday he's got a new one...

Aiden's daycare had a holiday party on Friday so I went to see him eat his cookies and open a present from Santa. I think every single kid liked some other kid's present best... it was sort of a chaotic jumble of grabbing and crying and being convinced to "share" all at the same time. I was sort of glad to escape to my home-office by 10 AM!

Aiden's best bud- Ben.

If Aiden has a "girlfriend" it's probably Molly these days...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eating snow is no problem. I turned out just fine............. just make sure of the obvious Aiden and DON'T EAT YELLOW SNOW!!!!