Thursday, January 15, 2009

Can we build it? YES WE CAN!

We are living with Bob the Builder these days. Aiden always has a play wrench or a hammer in his hand and wants to know (at the top of his lungs), "CAN WE BUILD IT?!" So he was excited when Grandpa Deegan showed up for the weekend to help Dadoo organize the tornado that is our garage and build a workbench. After two days of moving stuff around and construction in the frigid cold, they had managed to put together a nice clean workspace and bench. It looks great! Now we just have to get all of our tools out of their cardboard boxes on the floor.

Our canoe is now hanging from the garage ceiling to save space

Aiden played outside awhile despite the cold weather. I taught him to make snow angels, which he had a lot of fun with. As soon as we made one, he stepped all over it to fresh snow and asked to make another. And another.

Then inside to play in the basement. Micah and Becky also stayed over on Friday night so they could ski at Killington on Saturday. So it was a big weekend for the little man. Uncles, Aunts, Grandpas and SableDoggie too!

Sable was a good pup but couldn't figure out why anyone would buy such a poorly designed dog bed?!

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