Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Bra by Any Other Name...

Aiden has been asking questions lately about various parts of his body, and we have been trying to explain to him that he has certain parts in common with Dadoo because he is a boy, and that girls, like Mamoo, have other parts. Yesterday morning Aiden was hanging around in our room playing while I was getting dressed and ready for work, as he usually does. When I went to put on my bra he started pointing at the bra and saying, "I want that! Please! I want that!"

"Um, no, honey...that's Mamoo's... I need to wear it" I offer, slipping it on.
"I NEED THAT!" Aiden whines loudly.

In comes Dadoo. Uh oh. Andy is already concerned at how much Aiden enjoys tea-parties and strings of mardi-gras beads.
"What's up in here?" Andy says.
"Oh, Aiden seems to think he needs to have my bra" I say.
"Aiden, that's for girls only. Boys like you don't need those." Andy says.
The bottom lip comes out. Wait for it... Wait for it.... "WWWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!"

"Are you KIDDING ME?!" Andy says, looking at me incredulously.

Aiden is full-on wailing now. "WAAAHHHHH!!! I WANT.... I WANT.... WAHHHH!!!.... Toolbelt!" WAHHHH!!"


"Wait, you thought Mamoo's bra was a TOOLBELT?" Andy says, "Why didn't you say so, buddy! We'll get you a toolbelt, hold on!"

And in 2 seconds he's a happy clam again. Happily armed with a new toolbelt, Aiden hands me a screwdriver. "Phillips-head, Mamoo? For your toolbelt?"

"No thanks, darlin. Mine's already full."

Tears still in his eyes, with his toolbelt.


Anonymous said...

What a laugh I got out of that! I'm sure there will be many more occasions like that in Aiden's future. Enjoy!
Grandma Chris

Anonymous said...

Well I guess it could be considered a tool holder....... I guess.

80 miles from Key West said...

Oh My, Aiden is going to regret this blog entry years from now, but its amazing that he could see its potential without knowing what it was. You are too funny Aiden!!!