Monday, March 1, 2010

Digging the Duckpin...

When you grow up with candlepin bowling you don't even realize the regular, big-ball kind exists until you get older and move to some other part of the country. But apparently, if you don't grow up with it (like my sweet hubby), you think candlepin is a totally bizarre alternate reality. Anyway, I treated my two boys to their first-ever experience with candlepin/duckpin bowling last weekend. It may be a strange sport but seeing that each ball weighs about 2 lbs and can be reasonably tossed from a dead standstill, toes in front of the fault line, it works perfectly for a 3 year old and a pregnant woman on semi-bedrest.

Aiden arguably had the most interesting technique (the slow zig-zag off the gutter bumpers) but it worked for him and he either tied or was only a few points behind his parents in every game. He was also SO excited every time he rolled the ball and knocked some pins down, so it was an entertaining day for all of us!

1 comment:

Chris and Preston said...

That's way cool to have no gutters. I think I could actually knock some pins down! What fun!!