Friday, February 26, 2010

A day in the life of...

A day in the life of...
Aiden Taylor Deegan, Age 3
First, I have to get up in the morning...

Then comes breakfast. This is Dadoo's oatmeal, which I like to take photos of while screaming "YUCK!" really loudly.

My momoo is not a morning person.

Then I go to school, which is lots of fun.

Dadoo picks me up after school.

I take some artsy shots after school, like this one...

and this one...

and this one.

When I get home Momoo and I bake something together

Like chocolate chip muffins!

I have chocolate chips on my face, ha ha.

After dinner we watch some Olympics (or Thomas the Train if I have any say)

Then it's time for bed... SHOOT.


Anonymous said...

like the wineglass on the table for breakfast- awesome! Emma's day in the the life would be very similar- except she loves to watch the Olympics- curling of all things! She thinks they use a giant swiffer on the ice. Hope you are doing well, almost got the pink ruffled princess dress completed for your little princess (HA! Ha!) I did take Emma to see a play of Cinderella yesterday with some friends from school- it was actually like the hip hop version of Cinderella so I don't think Emma will be looking for prince charming in his magic pumpkin anytime soon. Mel

Carrie said...

Funny! I hadn't even noticed the wine glass. Really, it was from the night before... but leave it to a 3 year old to expose your household dysfunction, lol... (even if it's only a lack of cleaning and not rampant alcoholism)

Crazy Uncle Dan said...

That is a better day than mine.
I would be spent after a day like that.