Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Early Birds Get the Goods

We held a yard sale for the first time ever last weekend.  We put up signs on the street and put an ad in the local paper- still, I wasn't sure what to expect and sort of thought we might end up twiddling our thumbs most of the time, with a few friends stopping by here and there.  But after 2 days, we are experts at hosting a yard sale.  Here's what we learned:

1. It's all about the Early Birds.  Our sale technically started at 9AM; that's what all the posters and the ad said.  However, people started coming at 7:30 AM.  Not just one or two people, either.  Mobs of them!  Ninety percent of everything we sold was sold before the sale even technically opened.  I guess this "early birding" is standard operating procedure unless you say "no early birds, please" in your ad.  We definitely didn't care, but were just surprised by how many people did that.

2.  Forget about Sunday.  No one goes yard sale-ing on Sunday.  We had thought that Sunday might be good for us, as we live across the street from a church with services on Sunday morning.  But I guess everyone put their extra dollars and change in the tithe plate, since almost no one came by when church let out.

3.  Never assume people won't want to buy something.  You never know what strange things people will want.  Price things to go, and they'll go!  We made over $500 selling stuff we didn't want anymore, and some of it I was sure would be going to the dump when we were done.  Nope.

Besides the yard sale, we (and Grandma Sally, who brought down tons of stuff to sell too) made it to Spring Ledge Farm, Philbrick-Cricenti Bog, Aiden's t-ball game, and Low Plain too.  And the Windy Hill Art Show, which featured some beautiful artwork done by little Miss Haley-Doo and an adorable dance performance too.  "A Chicken... Ain't Nothin' But a Bird" is still stuck in our heads this week!

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