Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Soaking in Springtime

The weather has been picture perfect for the past two weeks, and we have spent every free moment outside. As I'm writing this, the rain has finally come, and it's pouring down a much needed drenching over our gardens and lawn...but that two week stretch sure was nice.

Last weekend we enjoyed the return of t-ball season. This is Aiden's last year of t-ball- he isn't seven yet, the cutoff to play baseball with actual games against other towns- but he's an old pro at t-ball by now. He knows all the drills and is almost a little bored, other than the fact that we had to buy him a brand new glove since his hand had outgrown the tiny one he's used the past two springs. I'm afraid the parents all love t-ball more than the kids, since it gives us all an excuse to socialize outside on a sunny weekend morning, big mugs of coffee in hand. Total bliss as long as there's a breeze to keep the black flies away.

Haley was invited to one of her first birthday parties last weekend too- her friend Liam's third. It was at Beech Hill Farm, which has lots of animals and activities for kids, as we'll as delicious homemade ice cream in about a million flavors. Haley is always asking me for banana ice cream for some reason, and I usually have to tell her that is not one of the choices, but they had it at Beech Hill. They even have Twinkie cake ice cream, despite the fact that you can't even buy twinkies anymore! (Not that I buy twinkies, ha ha). In the end, Haley chickened out on the banana and chose strawberry ice cream, but she had a great time with her school friends.

On Sunday, we spent the day organizing the garage and gardening, and then went to a local friend's Cinco de Mayo party in the evening. Aiden and Haley ran around like whirlybugs with a whole group of their Windy Hill and ex-Windy Hill friends while the adults had margaritas and some delicious potluck Mexican offerings. It was a perfect way to close a beautiful weekend.

Aiden's class also went to visit a local wind farm last week.  Andy chaperoned.

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