Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Lost River Birthday

Aiden decided to have a smaller birthday party this year, with just a few friends, and travel somewhere cool for the day.  Part of that decision was because this is a strange year for him- he's switching schools for the second time in two years, and if he invited everyone he wanted to from both places, he'd swamp whatever venue we chose, as well as Mom & Dad's budget.  So this was a good compromise.  He decided to take Molly, Finn and Ben up to the White Mountains, to Lost River.  Lost River is a hiking trail/boardwalk system that goes down through a steep gorge, and there about a dozen caves that you can explore, some of them with such tight crevices that you have to measure yourself through a gauge before you enter to make sure you won't get stuck inside.

I was happy to have Rich come along on the excursion too, as another adult to reign in the madness as the kids sprinted  ahead from cave to cave.  They did amazing though, going through every cave and climbing and sliding and squeezing into impossible spaces.  When we finished the gorge, we hit some pizza and ice cream in Lincoln and thoroughly embarrassed Aiden by signing "Happy Birthday" to him in public.  At the pizza place, another mother who was in there with her 3 kids took Rich and I aside and thanked us for coming in, since our crew was so noisy they made her kids seem like angels!  Talk about a back-handed compliment.  Rich and I just shrugged, "no problem."  Whatever lady, it's the end of summer and kids are loud.

After lunch and a quick visit to the White Mountain Attractions Visitor Center, Rich led us to "the Basin"- a short hike in along a beautiful river that has carved out some amazing sculptures in the rock it flows over.  The huge one that the Basin is named for is like a giant swirling washbowl, as you might imagine.  When we headed out on this hike, I bet Rich that it would take only 5 minutes for Molly to get soaked (she and water are magnetic)- well, it only took 2 minutes, despite Rich's efforts, and then we just gave up and got all the kids' socks and shoes off and let them get wet.  I have to admit it was a gorgeous day and a gorgeous place to take a quick (but chilly) dip in the water.  It was also a great day for Aiden's 7th birthday celebration!  I can't believe he is 7 already... that seems so grown up, and he's turning into a very bright and considerate little guy.  We love him so much.

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