Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Midway Returns

New London's big summer weekend is the annual Hospital Days (sponsored by NL Hospital) in early August.  Usually there is a carnival on the town green with a midway and games and rides for kids and adults alike.  But the past two years, the organizing committee decided the midway was too "unhealthy" (read: un-classy) and not in keeping with the message of Hospital Days, so they swapped the carnival part for some more wholesome activities like face painting and beanbag tosses on the green.  Well.  Everyone silently (or not so silently) agreed that the new entertainment was pretty lame in comparison, so this year the Lake Sunapee Chamber of Commerce sprung for bringing back the midway. The kids for seven towns over whooped with joy, let me tell you!!  Aiden was one of them, since this year he is tall enough to go on ALL the rides, not just the motorcycles and the flying bees.

Aiden tried everything except the Zipper... He went on the Hurricane, the Tornado, and the Tilt-a-Whirl.  Many, many times over.  He mostly went with friends, but he conned me into trying a few rides with him and I nearly puked/passed out/peed myself on them.  I think you must be immune to that inner ear sensitivity stuff when you're six, because Aiden and his friends seemed like they could spin one way on one ride and then the other way on the next, on and on like that, all night long.  Haley was sensibly too short for the puke coasters, but she had so much fun on everything she could go on that I think she'll be worse than Aiden in a few years.  In any case, the midway was a huge hit, so we're all hoping it will come back around next summer.  You just won't catch me on the Tornado again.

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