Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Into the Polar Vortex

Polar Vortex is such a buzz phrase around here lately... I don't claim know a thing about it, but we definitely have settled into the usual deep freeze of mid-winter.  Doesn't look like there will be a January thaw anytime soon either.  The other morning it was -12 degrees out, and school was delayed, and then cancelled because some part of the middle school froze solid.  Still, we get outside when we can, and we try to find ways to keep our weekends active and fun.  Aiden has started "winter activities" at school - he chose snowboarding, so every Friday afternoon he heads to Mt. Sunapee for a lesson.  If I can take the time off, I try to ski with him after that until closing.  We try to get to Ragged or Sunapee most weekends, too.

Recently we went ice skating at Messer Pond, about a half mile from our house, on a day where, I swear, I have never seen pond ice so smooth and beautiful.  Not a bump or a divit in sight- like skating on white glass, and we had the whole place to ourselves.  We were there only an hour or so (it was chilly) but I'll remember that ice forever.  You don't get too many days like that, and to prove my point, it was ruined the next day when we got an inch of slushy yuck on top of all the beautiful glassy ponds.  But there's always the town skating rink, and we've got plans for ice fishing, XC skiing, and some more paint bar fun too.  Embracing the polar vortex...


1 comment:

Linda said...

Lovely series of photos celebrating my beloved winter. Thank you so much for sharing.