Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Little Fishy

Ice fishing is one of those winter activities we love to hate.  It seems like a fun idea.  Should be pretty simple.  Go out on a frozen lake, drill a hole, put down bait, wait around, pull up fish.  Except it never really works that way.

Last winter we had a busted auger, leading to lots of swearing and difficulty just getting through the ice.  And once we got holes drilled, people were hauling in giant bass and yard long pickerel within 20 feet on either side of us, but our holes.... Nothing.  This year we, seem to have made some baby steps in the right direction, but I still think we're solidly on the frustration side of the fish scale.  Last weekend we went to Gile Pond and Messer Pond- drilling the holes went fine, and we were able to catch some very small perch with our jigging rods, using wax worms for bait.  Still can't get the tip ups to do much of anything, or the minnows.  It was about 4 degrees out too, so that could have contributed to our limited patience!  But at least we caught something.  Baby steps.

We also went skiing and boarding at Ragged.  The conditions were icy, but both Haley and Aiden had a good time.  If we could get some natural snow, I know they'd be in heaven.

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