This past weekend we had some brave visitors from Mass... Bek, Nate, and little Oliver! I say brave because they were essentially camping indoors at our house, since there is no sink or functional kitchen (yes, still!), and we really don't have a guest room so accomodations were a hodgepodge of air matresses and pop-up beds and a crib. But the Stevenses are a hardy crew so they didn't complain or run screaming over to my parents' place to sleep in a real guest room.
We had a great weekend exploring outside, starting with a stop at the International Migratory Bird Day celebration at the Audubon center just down the road, where we watched a staff biologist trap and band a few birds, including a male Nashville Warbler and a Common Yellowthroat. Aiden and Ollie were getting antsy after awhile though, so we joined my parents and Bek's parents Leslie & David in Monkton for lunch. Ollie is a great eater and will consume just about anything as long as he has ketchup or hummus or some other sauce to "dip-dip" the food in. Andy and I glanced at Aiden hopefully as Oliver took bite after bite of whatever he was offered...our little fussa man is still in such the beginning stages! Someday he'll get there... We did determine that there is one thing that Aiden and Ollie are in a similar stage with now - though they are 11 months apart, Ollie only weighs one pound more than chubba-lub Aiden!
Life is better when you Dip-Dip

Ollie and Bek on the tractor-train
The next morning (my first Mother's Day!) was so clear and sunny we decided to hike up Mount Philo in Charlotte for the expansive views of the Champlain Valley. We had a great hike up (lots of great warblers!) and a leisurely nap/rest time at the top where Aiden played on the new picnic blanket I got for Mom's Day and Ollie ran around like a little wild man trying his best to hurl himself off a precipice before his parents could grab him! Luckily they are still a little quicker than he is.
Aiden about to sneeze, on the way up Mt. Philo
View from the top of Mt. Philo
I like this picture, it messes with your equalibrium!
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