So far, nothing blogworthy has happened in early November (nor do we anticipate anything blogworthy, really, until Thanksgiving). But that won't stop me from posting mindless drivel about our daily grind. So we did yard work last weekend, raked leaves, put some perennial gardens to bed for the winter, pruned shrubs, etc., etc. Aiden enjoyed some mad wagon rides around the yard (his appetite for whip-lashing motion, hanging upside down, and thrill riding in general is insatiable). "Hold on tight!" we always say, and he starts shrieking and giggling just in anticipation of whatever thrill he knows he's about to get. He especially likes it when Dadoo stalks behind me as I carry Aiden upstairs, and then rushes up from behind to "scare" me. That is the absolute best. Tickle torture is another favorite- thanks to Uncle Dan we learned that squeezing Aiden's legs right above the knee will cause him to lose all bodily control and start shrieking like a demon. Fun stuff.
Aiden cut his first two molars this week, so sleeping has been a bit of a challenge, but so far not too bad. Putting a black olive on each of your fingers and eating them off one by one seems to miraculously cure teething pain, in case anyone's interested.

Let's see, what else... oh yeah, we had a pair of Pine Grosbeaks that came to our feeders on Saturday (a first for our house and a lifer for me!). Very exciting. Other than that we're just moving from day to day, leaving for work in the semi-darkness and now coming home from work in complete darkness, trying not to get depressed!
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