After Turkey Day itself had passed, we spent the rest of the weekend visiting family in the area, using Grandma Chris's house in Patchogue as our home base. Grandma Chris has two orange stripey cats. One is large and loves attention, and the other is small and hides in the closet. And doesn't ever come out. I don't think Aiden even saw Daisy, the shy (smart?) one, the whole time we were there, but he sure did love Twilly. Mause became a distant memory once he discovered Twilly. Luckily Twilly is the Ghandi of the feline realm, a firm believer in tolerance, patience and non-violence, so no blood was shed.
The highlight of the kitty madness was when we tried to get Aiden to feed Twilly a handful of kitty "treats" which he predictably stuck into his own mouth and proceeded to crunch on. Fish-flavored Friskies toddler breath...mmmm..... I'm sure we will win parents of the year for just shrugging and going with the theory that there probably wasn't anything poisonous in the Friskies...
What do you mean, I can't whack this kitty?
Here, kitty, kitty...
This was the nicest "pat" we achieved. Unfortunately Aiden's idea of "gentle" is still a lot like a football tackle.
Here we are at the small park on the bay near Grandma Chris's house. Remember these spinning torture devices? In case you haven't tried one in a decade, they still make you feel nauseated in about 10 seconds.

Next we headed over to Bay Shore to spend some time with Carrie, James and William. William has a great play room in their newly finished basement, with the coolest tunnel fort we'd ever seen. It's probably a good thing that the adults would get stuck in the tunnels if we tried to play too.

I might be in here... who's asking?

We had to hand it to Carrie and James, they've got William totally trained to Swiffer the floors already... and he does it with a smile!
Next stop was James and Dorothy's, to hang out for an hour or two and see their 7-month old little girl, Elizabeth. Last time we saw Elizabeth she was only a few weeks old, so a lot has changed! Elizabeth is already crawling and pulling herself up on the furniture- she'll catch up with Aiden in no time at this rate.

Next, on to Grandpa Deegan's in Amity Harbor to spend the day. Uncle Dan joined us and we hung out and chatted while Aiden ate and played and took a 3 hour nap (thank god!). Grandpa Deegan has a really cool old merry-go-round horse in his living room, which Aiden got to ride. I think he was confused because most of the horseys he has been on rock and he couldn't get this one to behave.

Olives with Uncle Dan

Our final event of the weekend was a christening for Andy's cousin Katie & her husband Randy's new little boy Brady. Brady Patrick (can you tell the Deegans are Irish?) was a perfect little gentleman the whole day and did not fuss at all. The rest of the kids, big and small, ran around like mad people at the reception, which was held at Duggan's Pub in Floral Park. We hadn't seen everyone from this side of the family in over a year, so some folks got to meet Aiden for the first time as well as Brady.

Katie, Randy and Brady Patrick
This had to have been photo enhanced. It looks like the devil had momentarily possessed my body. Maybe it had? No. I was just trying to turn him to the dark side.
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