We also got a chance to see some of my family on Christmas Eve at Uncle Brandt and Aunt Sandy's house. Great Grandma Rising wasn't feeling quite up to a big celebration after just coming through hip surgery, so we visited her a few days later at home. She is doing well and resting so that her muscles will recover quickly. 
Brian, Melanie and Emma (opening her present from Aiden)

Aiden got a ride-on excavator from his cousin William! Could it be any cooler?

William's head is not quite large enough for the Christmas Cracker hat (btw, do those things ever work?! Ours are always duds!)

Better get to bed before Santa comes again!
A few days after Christmas we made it over to Mel & Brian's to hang out with them and Carrie & James. It's so fun to see the 3 kids running around together. They still mostly do their own thing, interacting when they really want a toy that someone else is using, but they are getting there. We had PIZZA!! for dinner, which the kids totally appreciated :)

William taking a water break

PIZZA is almost here!

After being wary of talking stuffed animals since he was an infant, Aiden is suddenly in LOVE with them!

OK so we did our best to get a photo of the 3 of them together but it wasn't happening. Maybe Carrie or Mel got off a better shot than me! William really was more interested in something distinctly OFF the couch, and the other two were just looking bewildered and disinterested.

Bye william!
We also got over to Ronkonkoma to see some of Andy's friends from high school. James and Dorothy's little girl Elizabeth is 20 months and has grown so big! She's almost as tall as Aiden with beautiful red hair and big blue eyes. Aiden was smitten with her new kitchen set.

Aiden and Elizabeth sharing some booty and pretzels

Crawly train up from the basement

Elizabeth and her kitchen! Thanks Santa!