We lost a few major tree limbs in our yard, but most of our trees were in pretty sad shape anyway (1998 ice storm, apparently) so the loss is not that great.
The high point of our 4 day ordeal: After calling every electrician in the phone book and reaching all of NO ONE, Andy chatted up (not in a "hey, you wanna go out" way) some tree service people working on our street and they got some friend of a friend to be at our house w/in an hour to rig up the generator to our furnace. For $30. The BEST $30 we ever spent.
The low point: Aiden got the barf bug on Friday night (we had been anticipating this- 8 kids at daycare had it last week) and made a pukey mess all over his little bed. His room was about 40 degrees and there was no hot water to wash him or any of the bedding up. FUN!!!

Despite the obvious major inconvenience, I thought the results of the storm were really beautiful. We didn't have a ton of tree damage in New London but everything was encased in ice making it look like the trees were made of crystal. It was breathtaking, really. Andy was too stressed to see any beauty in it. Maybe that's because we were waking up every few hours to switch the generator between the fridge, chest freezer, fishtank, and heater in the bird room....
I'll have to admit it's beautiful if you're not living through it. How did the clothesline ice stay at a slant?
Grandma Chris
Wind, i guess...?
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