Here are some photos from our Thanksgiving weekend. In addition to the Turkey Trot from my last post, we smoked two turkeys (they turned out delicious, thanks Aunt Chris!), built a playgym for Aiden, and decorated for Christmas as soon as turkey day was done. We had a mini xmas party on Saturday since we'll all be visiting other family on Christmas day this year. 
Finding "goldbug" for the one billionth time!
Aiden and HaPa

Cheesy smile

Micah getting down to business with the smoked gobbler

Micah and Becky brought a cooler full of seafood, including freshly dug steamers!

Sucking down steamers...

Building Aiden's playgym

There was just enough snow one morning to make a snowman... he quickly melted by the end of the day but Aiden got the idea for when we get our first dump.

And then all of a sudden it was did that happen?!?
Hey Andy,
The other day I saw this bird that I thought might be a Hepatic Tanager, but then I thought it could be a Phainopepla. I was wondering what the distinguishing features to tell these two birds apart are.........................(stupid birds ha ha)
If you are confusing a Hepatic Tanager with a Phainopepla I think you need to get to the nearest optometrist. Before you go completely blind!
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