Well, Aiden has developed his first irrational fear, and it's driving us nuts! He's decided that he does not like smoke alarms. So I know what you're thinking... that a smoke alarm must have gone off in the kitchen, or in his room, and scared the bejesus out of him. Nope. The thing has never gone off. What's creeping him out are the little red blinking lights on the smoke alarm that tic on for a second every few minutes and let you know the alarm is in working order. He ran into our bedroom about a week ago saying the smoke alarm in his room "reached out at him and blinked." Since then he's noticed that there's a smoke alarm in just about every room of the house, and he won't go into any of those rooms alone anymore. Sometimes he won't even go in with a chaperone, and has to be dragged kicking and screaming. We've tried everything we can think of to convince him that smoke alarms are "friendly" and that they keep us safe, and we've even covered up the red blinking lights with electrical tape. No dice. Though it's getting old pretty fast, we can't help but crack up every time one of us wanders from the kitchen to the dining room and Aiden yells, "Dadoo! Momoo! Be careful of the smoke alarm!"
perhaps try replacing your scary bat smoke detectors with normal ones. ;o) does he have a toy fireman? you can tell him it will keep him safe from the blinking lights as long as its with him in those rooms. good luck, on this!
That is such a good idea! Why didnt I think of that. Those scary bat smoke alarms are definitely the cause. You are silly for putting those up and not realizing they are the problem. Stupid New Hampshirians!!! Do they build all houses up there with those kinds of alarms. There are probably 100's of kids who are afraid smoke alarms.
Yes, that is how they make smoke alarms in NH... Live Free or Die!!!
Today Aiden told us he "said hi to the smoke alarm" so we are making progress...
So, I realize this is an older blog post, but our 4 year old is afraid of the exact same thing...the light on our smoke alarm. We've taken it down and told him all about it and fire safety, but he's still terrified. I am getting exhausted from waking up to put him back in his own bed every night since he both kicks and snores.
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