Andy and I had a rare "adults only" getaway when we traveled to Indianapolis over Columbus Day weekend for our friend Greg's wedding. The wedding reception was at The Columbia Club on the circle in the very center of Indianapolis. It's partly a hotel... the hotel where we booked our room, actually, figuring we could just stumble up there after the reception without having to drive or even cab it up anywhere.
Unfortunately, no one warned us that the Columbia Club is also partly an ultra-conservative members-only leisure club. With a strict dress code - no T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, sandals, spandex (?! you know there's a story there), revealing clothing, or anything other than business attire, thank you very much! Other than the garments we were wearing during the 6 hours of actual wedding/reception, we had absolutely nothing that could be located under the "appropriate attire" column. But we made the best of it, sprinting, hats in hands, from the doorman at the front doors to the elevator as fast as possible every time we entered or exited the hotel. When we finally wore our wedding attire, we strolled around like fat cats in the lounge for about five minutes pretending to be Ronald and Nancy Regan. Though we probably came off more like Sarah Palin and Rush Limbaugh. I'm sure they were glad to be rid of us.
The Colbert Report eagle attacks me...
Andy defying dress code next to the dress code commandments (in the elevator)

The wedding was great, though! Lots of tender moments, fun music, and way too many drinks. Glad we got to share in Greg & Lindsay's big day :)
Indianapolis Capital Building
As we anticipated, Aiden did not miss us. He spent the weekend with HaPa and Grandma in Vermont, where he enjoyed an outdoor oven pizza party, a playdate at Gerritt's house, the Charlotte tractor parade, and fishing in the pond.
On the giant combine harvester!
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