For the first time in our lives, I think Andy and I both wish we could work 7 days each week instead of 5. Weekends are SO much harder for us than weekdays. During the week I work 8 hours every day from my laptop, Aiden goes to preschool, and Andy goes to his job. Mornings and evenings we have our busy routine of dressing, eating, bathtime, reading books, etc. etc. and you'd be surprised how quickly the days pass. Weekends are a different story. Weekends involve a large void of time in which a) we have to keep Aiden entertained or it can be truly miserable and b) there is also a long list of neglected tasks (house cleaning, food shopping (for staples and breakfast items, fruit, etc...we still have TONS of dinners), lawn mowing, laundry, etc. etc.) that need to get done. The problem is that completing these tasks and keeping Aiden entertained do not mix. So Aiden ends up hanging out on the bed with me while Andy tries to get things done, which only lasts so long. As you might expect, he gets grumpy and bored after awhile, no matter how many puzzles, books, TV shows, and make-believe games we try. There is only so much pretending to be "Sir Topham Hat" I can stand either.
Andy has to get Aiden out of the house at some point. This past weekend they went to a class for 3-5 yr olds on how to be a good "Big Brother." It might also be entitled, "Your life is about to change big-time mister, and this is your warning!" According to Andy, Aiden learned how to change a diaper (on a doll) and about how much his new baby sister is going to cry and sleep. And about ways he can help Mom & Dad. We'll see if it has any effect!

Good idea to check the baby's head pressure!
After the class, they headed to a rubber duck race fundraiser in New London. Aiden cheered for his duckie as it plunged over the falls towards the finish line, but it didn't come in first. Which is just as well... Andy and I were slightly afraid of what a 3 yr old would do with $300 anyhow. Convincing him to put it towards his college education instead of a remote controlled helicopter would have been a challenge.

The ducks before they go swimming

Ducks headed for the falls

Ducks go over the falls to the finish line
Okay, who gets grumpy and bored, Andy or Aiden? With all that cheering, I'm surprised Aiden's duck didn't win. Just keep reminding yourself Carrie that it won't be boring for long once little Hayley comes along.
Grandma Chris
Lugo? Really? Lugo? Come on. I could appreciate Lowell or Youkilis, but Lugo. Stupid sawks.
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