My oldest friend Bek came to visit this past weekend with her 2 boys Oliver (4) and Ben (1). I think it was the nicest day yet this spring, so Andy drove me down to the garage (hello, carbon footprint) to sit in my reclining chair in the sun and chat while the boys played. As we caught up and Ben napped, the two older boys happily pulled out every single toy, truck and piece of sporting equipment and splayed it all over the driveway and yard. Little boy heaven.

Ben getting in on the action
Later they filled up the plastic kiddie pool with water and proceeded to strip naked and throw water on each other and everything in a 20' radius for two hours. It was quite a sight for the neighbors, if anyone was looking, but we were unconcerned. As Bek put it, as long as they are still absolutely unselfconcious about their bodies and love being naked out in the open, they should enjoy it while they can! And they did. No photos though; got to draw the line somewhere...
When did Aiden get his license? Where did the jeep come from?
Grandma Chris
He's a terrible driver...i wouldn't recommend getting in that jeep with him!! To his credit he hasn't had much time to practice yet. He's been a very patient boy lately about our new reality and spends a lot of time on the bed with me. The jeep was a present from us to thank him for that, and we also promised him something special this spring if he mastered the potty this winter.
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