Aiden's first day of fall nursery school was right after we got back from our crazy week on Long Island. Of course, it isn't really like he's had all summer away since he did go to the Windy Hill Summer Program from June through mid-August. Still, he was excited to go back after his two-week "vacation" and see many of his old friends who didn't do the summer program.
Below are some shots from his summer at Windy Hill- more days than not they all packed in the Colby Sawyer vans and drove all over the state (and Vermont a few times too!) going to farms, state parks, museums, beaches, playgrounds, etc. They even went to the state house to meet the Governor (he was unfortunately otherwise occupied when they arrived but they got a tour and went to a cool splash park and I don't think a single one of them shed a tear over not meeting Gov. Lynch). We had practiced a "firm handshake" with Aiden just in case he did meet any politicians, and told him to say "slot machines" if asked how best to resolve NH's current fiscal crisis.
Watching Glass Blowing
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