It's that time of year again...
...when Andy tries desperately to concentrate on the Giants game while biting his tongue every time he wants to scream and curse at the officials (constantly), while Haley fusses and squirms, and Aiden asks non-stop, repetitive questions:
Aiden: Dad, who's that guy?
Andy: Eli Manning, he's the quarterback
Aiden: Why?
Aiden: Dad, what's that guy doing?
Andy: He's going to try to kick a field goal, buddy
Aiden: Why?
Aiden: Dad, who is winning?
Andy: The Giants, the score is 7 to 6
Aiden: Why?

Who was Haley cheering for in that last photo? I hope it was the Giants.
Grandma Chris
Actually I think she was watching them play and about to vomit.
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