In addition to getting a dog over the holiday weekend, we also had a lot of other fun activities planned. We spent Saturday at the lake house in VT with HaPa, Grandma, Micah, Becky and Phoebe. We hadn't seen the Pheebster since late winter, so it was fun to see her almost walking and to watch both girls as they played together in the kiddie pool. At this point it's all parallel play but they at least sort of acknowledged each other this time, even if it was only one sticking her fingers in the others mouth or sharing a cheerio or a binky.
On Sunday we all attempted a feat of incredible bravery (or madness?) in driving 4 hours over the Adirondacks in the morning to attend the Dean Family picnic at Higley Flow (with the kids and new puppy all stuffed in the van) and then driving 4 hours back to Lake Champlalin the same day. I can't say I'd do it that way again, but it was a beautiful day for driving through the mountain scenery and ADK towns. The 4th of July picnic was also lots of fun... Aiden and Haley spent 80% of their out-of-car time that day playing in the water with Ciara, and even little Kimball pup took an unintended dip or two (I think she thought the water was solid at first). In the late afternoon Aiden and I and Jeni and Glen snuck in a scenic pontoon boat ride all around Higley Flow. On our drive back we were crossing Lake Champlain by ferry just as it got dark, so we got to see the fireworks displays of Vergennes, Basin Harbor, and Burlington simultaneously. Pretty cool.
Monday it was a lazy morning at Camp and then back to New London and straight into the next party... July 4th BBQ at the McVrankens house. The kids had so much fun playing in the inflatable pool and carrying Kimball around like a doll that I'm not even sure they stopped to eat dinner. As dusk fell we broke out the sparklers, lit an outdoor fire, and sipped whiskey and fancy tequila until the kids were droopy-eyed and exhausted. Another great day!

And just to put the cherry on the top of a perfect holiday weekend, we kept on celebrating at Finn's birthday party on Pleasant Lake on Tuesday. It was the most gorgeous warm evening, and the kids pretty much had the beach to themselves after the day crowds had all gone home for supper and bed. Sonya & Kyle made a delicious pulled-pork BBQ, and we all watched the kids splashing in the low golden glow over the lake. It was hard to pull ourselves away from that idyll and put a close to our fun Independence weekend, but I guess nothing lasts forever.
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