There are two babies in our household now, and they are in cahoots with each other. I can't tell who is worse most of the time, but they are usually to be found together under a table, plotting something devious. When Haley wakes up in the morning the first thing she says is "DAW-dee!" and makes a beeline for Kimball's kennel (which, much to her chagrin, she is not allowed inside). Kimball does a little happy dance around Haley, licking her for the most part, but stealing a naughty nibble here and there on her ears and toes. Which Haley ignores. Haley then usually hands her pacifier to the dog, who runs around the living room chew-sucking on it like a human baby would...while Haley helps herself to the assortment of rubbery dog toys on the living room floor.

We spend most of the day saying "NO bite Kimball!" and "NO mouth Haley"...."no bite" being the term we've decided upon for the pup and "no mouth" for the child. But when things get really hectic and Haley is whack-petting the dog, dentabone in her mouth, while Kimball gnaws on her leg, it comes out more like, "No mouth NO Kimball Haley NO bite NO NO!!" And they both look up at us like, What gives? We're just having a bit of fun!
This.....by far...... is the funniest post in a while. Can picture it well. Made me laugh. Awesome picture of the dog with the Haley's pacifier. Hysterical!!
Definately gave me a giggle for the day!!!
~Aunt Paulette
By the way..........which one is tweedle Dum?
We have had that conversation and it is the dog.
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