Sunday, February 21, 2010

Winter Weekends

We've resigned ourselves to the fact that winter won't be relaxing its grip on New Hampshire for several more months. Though it's torture to see the cherry trees bursting into bloom on the streets of Vancouver as we enthusiastically watch the 2010 Olympics coverage, we try not to think about that. Instead, we plan. What can we do this weekend with an energetic toddler and a pregnant woman on semi-couch-rest? And the next weekend? The options are not plentiful, but we're finding them. We go swimming at the gym pool, to skating lessons or hockey on New London's "rink" on the green, over to the Montshire Museum, or to the library to pick out some new books. Or whatever we can find.

This weekend the town of Newbury had a winter festival with kids activities like sledding, ice skating, and ice fishing. Aiden especially liked the ice fishing, as he got to use his Spongebob Squarepants rod in the dead of winter. It was fun to scoop up the shiners with a net and set the tip-ups too, but unfortunately the fish were not hungry. Ah, but that's not what fishing is really about, is it? It's about sitting in quiet contemplation and enjoying the natural beauty of... blah blah blah.... toddlers do not appreciate the zen of fishing! As soon as they announced the hot dogs were ready, Spongebob got the ditch.

Later we went to the Discovery Center, a planetarium/space museum not to far away in Concord. Aiden loved the giant rocket outside the buiding, and zooming in and around the sun, moon, planets, and stars while watching the 360-degree domed planetarium show. Everything he can fit in or on (couch, bed, box, etc) is now a spaceship ready for the countdown to blastoff!

Next weekend who knows what we'll find to do, but it's amazing how resourceful you become scouring the internet and newspapers for any scrap of something that might keep a 3 year old and his parents sane for just one more winter weekend...


Anonymous said...

I love how attentive the three children are. What was the man showing them?
Grandma Chris

Carrie said...

He was fishing shiners out of a bait bucket with a little net. Then all the kids wanted to try scooping out the baitfish. I think they liked that better than the actual fishing, since they didn't catch anything...