Aiden adopted a new family at the pig roast
We also went raspberry picking at Beaver Pond Farm in Newport, NH, and ended up picking so many quarts that we made a great big batch of raspberry-peach preserves. At almost 3 years old, I can confidently report that Aiden has not yeat learned to fill (or even sparsely populate) a "container" other than his belly while berry picking. He hardly ate any of his lunch at our picnic on Lake Sunapee afterwards.

And we drove up Mount Washington too, if only to put this summer's gloomy weather in perspective. It was definitely winter on the 6,200+ foot summit - 40 degrees, 20' of visibility, and 50 mph winds - so by comparison our current summer weather, however rainy, felt like a blessing when we got down. I drove the car up and back so Andy could close his eyes during boughts of acrophobia - but he wasn't as bad off as one guy we spied puking his guts out at one of the pull-offs. Yikes. It's a nerve-wracking drive, to be sure. I don't think we'll try that again unless the summit is 100% clear and there's a bigger payoff at the top!
I remember that drive in our blue caravan with two small girls and Penny Dog! Poor Penny kept getting lurched around as I pumped the breaks!!! U. Preston wants to be a volunteer up there in the winter! Ha...he had better learn to cook. That's what the want volunteers for.
What a wus. His three year old didn't seem to have a problem
He fell asleep. Yeah, I stink, yay.
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