Saturday, July 18, 2009

Trails Week 2009

I recently celebrated my one year anniversary working for the Forest Society during Monadnock Trails Week. Trails week was my first week on the job last year, working about 10 days straight in muddy downpours coordinating people I didn't know to restore trails on land wasn't familiar with. Thankfully, one year later, everything went a lot more smoothly. The weather was fabulous - our first solid 5-days with no rain this whole summer - and we had loads of volunteers and plenty of varied work to do.

We spent the first 3 whole days clearing ice damaged trees from Monadnock's network of cross-country ski trails. It was over four miles of trail, and much of that was a giant snarl of intertwined branches we had to work through. But we worked our way through it in a big group, and rounded out the week constructing three bridges and marking the trails we'd cleared. Click this link to see a video of me looking mighty uncomfortable in front of the camera while I explain the details of Trails Week to a reporter!

1 comment:

Crazy Uncle Dan said...

Not bad on the video clip. You looked pretty natural. Good job