This is exactly the sort of thing we said we'd never do. A thing on par with Storyland, Disney on Ice, and Dora & Diego come to Broadway. But after we caved on other parenting no-nos like pacifiers and brain-rotting morning cartoons, we should have known this was coming.... a Day Out with Thomas the Train!

It started innocently enough. When Andy brought home the brochure from daycare, I think it was more to have a quick commiserating laugh with me than anything else. I remember us both rolling our eyes and saying "Oh, my GOD! Nightmare!".... then about a minute of silence.... then Andy said quietly, "he would love it; can you imagine the look on his face?" And that was it, like countless other parents before us, the possibility of seeing that moment of wide-eyed, open-mouthed joy on our child's face far outweighed any other considerations. We bought the tickets.

Truth be told, Thomas the Train was far from a nighmare. There were lots of people, but they were mostly less than 3 feet high and all in the exact same boat as we were. Grandma Chris got to come too since she was visiting and we all had a nice ride on Thomas the Super Useful Engine Number One, out and back about 15 minutes each way. Aiden did love it - Grandma Chris was watching him when he first saw the gigantic Thomas rumbling down the track, and I think she'd say the look on his face was "priceless."
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