Saturday, May 1, 2010

Week One Down

It has been a little over a week on bedrest so far. Things are going as smoothly as can be expected. I've got remote desktop connection direct to my office, have been watching lots of netflix movies on demand, reading like a fiend, and working on knitting/sewing projects. Aiden has adjusted to the whole thing with a shrug and an "okay, sure"... like it's the most normal thing in the world that his mom would be confined to bed 24 hours a day. He eats a lot of his meals (the less messy ones, at least) on the bed with me, leaning over my hospital table and chatting while he eats. We play card games, watch muppets DVDs (he thinks Animal and Gonzo are enlessly hilarious), read books, do puzzles, and play games like "digger dog" and "mole rat" (the same game, really, involving tunneling under the blankets on the bed and creating questionably habitable spaces). I don't really play mole rat, obviously; I just observe and make comment when necessary.

One thing that bedrest teaches you is not to sweat the small stuff. When your husband is making you every meal you eat and toting it in to you on a tray, keeping the house relatively clean, doing all the laundry, and taking care of your son, you realize that it is truly ridiculous to even think about complaining about anything. Things that would normally bug me, like toothpaste all over the sink, Aiden's toys in our bed at night, spaghetti sauce all over my shirt, or wrinkled laundry that has sat too long after being dried, are non-issues. Who cares, really? We are in survival mode.

We had a nice visit from my mom and my cousins Sarah & Joe and their little 4 mo. old daughter, Francesca last week. It was a toss up as to what fascinated Aiden more: little Francesca or the 3 baby chickens my mom brought over in a cardboard box. Aiden held the baby and the baby chicks... he was pretty awkward with both but he'll get the hang of it, I'm sure. Sarah took some cute photos of Aiden and Francesca, so I'll add them when she sends me a few! Sarah and my mom spoiled us with tons of homemade freezer meals, and co-workers and friends have been doing the same. Andy especially will be appreciating that for the next few weeks!

Andy has also been trying to keep Aiden's life as normal as possible, especially on weekends, when we would usually be out and about doing things. This weekend he took Aiden to a May parade, a chocolate festival, and the birthday party of one of his friends. They were both exhausted at the end of it all, but in a good way.


Chris and Preston said...
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Chris and Preston said...

It's a tremendous adjustment....I am sure! We are glad you can check off one week and stay home. Hope every week is like this! Love, A. Chris

Anonymous said...

How often is there a chocolate festival? I'd love to visit then. Seriously, I'm happy to see that things are going well for the three of you. Francesca looks adorable.
Ganndma Chris

Anonymous said...

Nice blog Carrie! Sorry to see you're on bedrest duty, but glad you are well otherwise. If I make it to the northeast I'll be sure to stop by and visit.

I'm well out here in SoCal. If you, Andy, Aiden and Aiden's little sister-to-be, ever take a trip out here, you'll have a base to explore from.

Stay patient!

Your friend,
Joe Burns
P.S. Hello to Andy, your mom and dad!

Carrie said...

Thanks Joe! Glad to hear you're still alive and kicking... someday we'd love to take a family vacation to CA! Won't be for at least a year, I bet...but I hope you're well and crazy as ever.