Saturday was Andy's birthday (and our wedding anniversary) so Aiden and I did our best to make it a fun weekend for Dad. Of course he barely rested or relaxed all weekend and still insisted on cleaning, cooking, doing laundry, etc. etc. Even though I'm off of strict bedrest by now and can help a little, I think we've created a machine that can't be stopped! (I know, I need to shut my mouth and be thankful). But we did manage a few birthday weekend luxuries... Hapa and Grandma stopped by after visiting their newest grandchild Phoebe (who missed piling another family milestone on June 26th by only one day) and took us all out to the Flying Goose Brew Pub for lunch. Nothing like a huge burger and a few beers on your birthday... then later that day we went to the June Jam (outdoor concert) at Musterfield Farm.

And on Sunday we had a dragon-hunting picnic at Low Plain in New London. It was a great feeling for me to be able to go for a little walk outside (only about 700' but it took me 15 minutes!) and to sit and enjoy the pond, croaking green frogs, diving kinfishers, and lots of dragonflies zipping all over the place. We caught or identified a half dozen new species for the town of New London too, so not a bad afternoon. Aiden is getting really good at catching dragonflies himself. Well, he mostly catches damselflies (the really skinny ones- they're often blue...) since they're slower, but he knows how to swoop and then flip the net over to catch them in the pocket. He caught about 4 different species himself, and had a great time. I was the photographer, for the most part, but enjoyed every minute of it.
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