We regained our parental duties this weekend with Aiden at home again, and had a nice weekend despite the fairly miserable weather. Aiden and Andy went to PYO strawberries (first rite of summer!) at Edgewater Farm and loaded up tummies and quart baskets with fresh berries. Round One of fresh berries, that is. We plan to hit the raspberries and the blueberries (and maybe blackberries if I can find some) later in the season. We've also been eating fresh bok choy, lettuce and spinach out of the garden every day, and Aiden picked the first few ripe cherry tomatoes this afternoon. Snap peas and the tomato glut can't be far behind...

I got outside in my reclining chair in the backyard for awhile, and for a change of scenery Andy and Aiden drove me the mile or so to set up my chair at the beach on Little Lake Sunapee. They played soccer in the sand (Aiden was USA, Dadoo had to be England...or whatever other world cup team he chose) and we had a picnic lunch. It was not warm (barely 60) but that didn't stop numb-boy from getting soaked. We swear he has no cold receptors.
Looking forward to next weekend when I can officially walk around a bit more. I'm planning to take it really easy and see how things go (after all, I have been lying down for the past 2 months and have no muscles anymore!) but if the baby's not threatening to fall out I'll try to build up a little strength before she arrives. Got to be able to lift those dirty diapers!
Where is all that topsoil going? Did you get it in order to keep Aiden busy? I'll be he ate almost as many strawberries as he picked.
Grandma Chris
He probably ate half the topsoil also......
Nah, he doesn't eat dirt anymore...c'mon! Berries, yes...but he actually did have some in the carton this year, so we're making progress. The dirt pile is compost for the gardens...we got a little too much..
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