Usually Aiden is a pretty reasonable child. I mean, when he isn't keen to do something (like take a bath or go to bed), I can usually make a rational argument as to why he should do that thing, and nine times out of ten, he'll tilt his head and say, "OK, momoo, that sounds like a plan." I know. I have it easy compared to some parents. That's not to say that Aiden is meltdown proof, and in the last few weeks we have gotten a reality check in that department. We seem to have found Aiden's tantrum-button. And it's spelled P-O-T-T-Y.
Since things were not progressing very rapidly in the potty training department, we got some advice from a trustworthy source who suggested just putting him in underwear whenever we're at home. That way, when he pees he'll know it, and hopefully he'll learn to pee in the potty to avoid getting wet. Well, he did get wet a few times, and we even had a few potty successes early on. But now he completely melts down when we try to put him in underwear at all. He informed me yesterday morning when he woke up that, "Babies wear underwear, Momoo. Big Boys wear diapers with pants over them." Aha. So that's how it is.
When we do wrassle him into a pair of Thomas the Train or Lightning McQueen undies, the battle begins...
My objective: to get him to pee outside of his diaper. In the potty. In his undies. In the nude. In the yard. Anywhere but the diaper.
Aiden's objective: to hold it in as long as possible, until ideally we have to put him to bed (in a diaper) or take him somewhere in the car where peeing on the floor would be unacceptable (and so he gets his diaper).
Dadoo generally watches the battle with interest, and intervenes only when one of the two contestants is in full metldown. And just in case you're keeping score, it's Aiden: 3 Momoo: 0
Its Aunt Paulette....That picture of dragon face Aiden on the toilet is funny! Story is priceless!
Ah the days of potty training. I remember them well.
Grandma Chris
I feel you. I'm currently in potty training hell myself. And with Elizabeth fighting a ferocious diaper rash I've had both kids diaperless for the past three days. I feel like I've been covered in pee and poop! And despite a few successes, William is just not getting it. Aaaarrrggghhhh....
It's so frustrating potty training boys! Our pedi has recommended having Colin sit on the potty chair at night, before he goes to bed. Since he protests, we always offer him a sticker. This satisfied him for a while. This past week, he has started demanding, "two" stickers. Now, he goes the teeniest, tiniest bit to get his two stickers and then stops and refuses to do any more. I'm not sure whether to blame the Hamilton or the Niemiec genes on this one...
Well, I'm glad I'm not alone on this one! Lots of people have told me "just be patient, he'll decide to do it when he's ready..." Like when he's 42 at this rate!
Yes, this is one of the big challenges of parenting! I thought I was doing well until Sarah fell INTO the toilet. That's when our difficulties began! Don't remember how we resolved it...patience and resolve is key. Sticker/star reward charts with a prize at the end works for some. Starting with small steps first for a reward to get the idea of success is also helpful. Can't expect to make that giant leap all at once! Other than that you can be sure we who have had children have survived the trials and tribulations of POTTY TRAINING!!
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